Shuwaikh Economic Office
is a data-driven, research firm
Producing a collection of research, data, and resources. The work elaborated by the SEO team covers a range of socioeconomic topics from public finance and development to business insights. SEO specialises in Kuwait and the wider Middle East region.
delivering comprehensive yet accessible insight
What makes us different: We use a plethora of digital tools to represent the complexity of the real-world in an effective way. We always start from the data: from descriptive to predictive analytics.
to inform and guide decision-makers
At the SEO, we integrate analytics-based decision-making into strategic management. We also build upon our network of international experts to contribute to the research at the firm.
Yasmeen Al Jalal
Managing Director & Founder
Yasmeen leads the strategic direction of the firm’s operations, working closely with the research team to ensure that the clients’ goals are met. Yasmeen’s experience covers operations for retail, f&b, and design sectors in Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. She obtained a MSc in Local Economic Development from the London School of Economics and a BSc in Economics & Management from King’s College London.
Tommaso Sonno
Scientific Director
Tommaso’s role is to monitor and guide the production quality of the work produced by the team at SEO. Tommaso is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Bologna. He is also affiliated at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics, and Adjunct Professor at Bocconi University and at Johns Hopkins SAIS.
Guiding Principles
Always understanding the “why”. Identifying why we do what we do.
Building trust through consistency and clarity of work.
Curious to learn and honoured to share.