Shuwaikh Economic Office Database
The Shuwaikh Economic Office database provides comprehensive economic data coverage across the GCC countries. Our database includes a vast array of data on the region's economy, trade, demographics, and much more, making it a valuable resource for researchers, business professionals, and students alike.
Quick View | Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates
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Country Profiles
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Common Questions
Where does SEO source its data from?
The Shuwaikh Economic Office focuses on collecting data from the most reliable source, whether that be primary or secondary, or a combination of both. To view data sources, visit the DataBank.
How can I ensure that the data is accurate and reliable?
The Shuwaikh Economic Office takes the dissemination of data seriously and in turn, has taken steps to ensure that the published data is of the highest quality. To learn more about our internal audit procedure, read our Audit disclaimer below.
Can I download the data on this platform?
Yes, data downloads are available to SEO members. Sign up to be able to download the data of your choice.
I did not find the dataset I need. Can SEO help me source it?
Yes, if you have reviewed our catalogue of data, at our DataBank, and haven’t found what you are looking for, then reach out to our team to submit a data request.
Is the SEO data based on calendar year or fiscal year reporting period?
The reporting period for all data is based on the calendar year. However, national accounts data (state budget data) is published on a fiscal year basis.
How often is the data updated?
The database is updated quarterly.
Audit & Screening of Data
The Shuwaikh Economic Office in compiling, cleaning, organizing, and publishing the data has undertaken the necessary steps to ensure the reliability of the data provided. These steps include accounting for verifiability of the data from a primary source, followed by both manual and digital audits of the datasets. Due to the varying nature of the data sources, five audits were required: 1) summary audit 2) data audit 3) file audit 4) platform file audit 5) formatting check. The datasets are reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis.
Internal audit procedure as of November 2022.
Terms of Use
Unless indicated otherwise in the data or indicator metadata, you are free to copy, distribute, adapt, display or include the data in other products for commercial or noncommercial purposes at no cost under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
You must include attribution for the data you use in the manner indicated in the metadata included with the data. Generally, you agree to provide attribution to the Shuwaikh Economic Office and its data providers in the following format: the Shuwaikh Economic Office: Dataset name: Data source (if known). When sharing or facilitating access to the Datasets, you agree to include the same acknowledgment requirement in any sub-licenses of the data that you grant, and a requirement that any sub-licensees do the same. You may meet this requirement by providing the uniform resource locator (URL) of these terms of use.
You must not claim or imply that the Shuwaikh Economic Office endorses your use of the data, or use the Shuwaikh Economic Office’s name, logo(s) or trademark(s) in conjunction with such use.
The Shuwaikh Economic Office makes no warranties with respect to the data and you agree The Shuwaikh Economic Office shall not be liable to you in connection with your use of the data.
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Any information that you receive via is at best delayed quarterly data and not "real time". Figures may be rounded up/down and therefore not entirely accurate. SEO is not responsible for any use of content by you outside its scope as stated in the SEO Terms & Conditions.